10.26.21 Today I made the most ultimate Pool Boy spookiest and amazing hits playlist that is 1.6 days long. This marks an amazing day in my life…a long look to dancing days behind and forever forward.
10.26.21 I produced original posters for the contest winners – 12 posters in all, rolled and wrapped with tri-color rubber bands.
10.27.21 Working on lighting and power for the Spider installation. Black lights, lasers, audio-reactive analog video signal. 10.29.21 Setting up DJ booth and staging installation for the Costume Contest. 10.30.21 The big day has arrived. Setup and DJ the street party scene rocking my apocalyptic prom time traveler look. Pool Boy poster giveaway. 10.31.21 Rest & relaxation. 10.26.21 Today I made the most ultimate Pool Boy spookiest and amazing hits playlist that is 1.6 days long.